About Us
People Assignment Pty Ltd is a trusted Western Australian owned, supplier of human resource and investigation services and personnel. Our purpose is providing, ‘trusted HR and investigative solutions powered by precision and quality.’
Our purpose underpins the delivery of: (1) HR solutions including all facets of recruiting and the deployment of specialist HR personnel to our clients to bolster their capability, and (2) purposely planned and executed investigations which result in clear outcomes for our clients and those employees subject to misconduct allegations.
Our HR solutions are focused upon ensuring our clients can overcome any increase in demand for their services. With our partners, we have the ability to provision specialist HR personnel, such as recruiters, call taking and data entry personal, and IT professionals swiftly and at scale.
We operate at pace, with an investigative methodology which ensures allegations are resolved with procedural fairness, and the highest regard to confidentiality and privacy principles. We understand the impact misconduct allegations have on organisations, individual business units, employees, and their families, and that is why our service delivery is tailored to the individual needs of our clients.
ABN: 89665598765
ACN: 665598765
What We Do
Investigation Services
We investigate, resolve, and provide prevention advisory services for all types of workplace misconduct including discrimination; sexual harassment...
Misconduct Prevention Services
One of People Assignment’s many points of difference is our focus on the prevention of misconduct and criminality in the workplace...
Indigenous Lens to our Investigations
People Assignment has formed a partnership with a highly regarded Western Australian based, Indigenous Supply Nation accredited company...
Investigator Deployments
WA Licensed Employment Agent (3168)
People Assignment has partnered with Talent International Pty Ltd (Perth Office) which enables us to source additional investigative, intelligence, business analytical...
Human Resource Services
Our human resource services include the provision of job design, classification, and recruitment services, to all levels of government and the private sector...
Specialist HR Deployments
WA Licensed Employment Agent (3168)
We have the capability to source specialist HR personnel such as recruiters, call taking, data entry, IT and other classes of personnel at short notice.
WA Government Common User
Agreement (CUAHRS2021)
Through an agreement with Maitland Consulting Group Pty Ltd, our Managing Director Stephen Brown is approved by the Department of Finance to provide the following services under CUAHRS2021 to WA Government Agencies:
- Job design and classification services (Category 2)
- Recruitment services for levels 1 to 8 (Category 3)
- Executive Recruitment Services (Non Mandatory) (Category 4)
Outside of the WA Government sector we provision the following services:
- HR recruitment and selection across all levels of government and the private sector.

Contact Us
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PO Box 914
Mount Lawley, Western Australia 6929
0417 945 983
[email protected]