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Our Services

We offer highly qualified job design, classification, and recruitment services, and HR professionals who are experienced in operating across all levels of government and the private sector.

Our Services

Investigation Services

At People Assignment Pty Ltd (PA) we investigate, resolve, and provide prevention advisory services for all types of workplace misconduct including discrimination; sexual harassment; breach of confidentiality; breaches of code of conduct and employment contract; disclosure of information, conflicts of Interest, corporate fraud, and theft.

At People Assignment we tailor our investigative approach to suit the operating context of our clients. We are agile, with the ability to align our investigations with our client’s governance and reporting regime. We pride ourselves in bringing clarity to complex and sensitive workplace problems.

WA Licensed Inquiry Agent & Investigator (78614)

Western Australia Local Government Association (WALGA) Preferred Supplier - Professional Consultancy Services (PSP003)

People Assignment, under WALGA’s Professional Consultancy Services (PSP003), is a preferred supplier for the provision of investigation services to local government state-wide.

Misconduct Prevention Advisory

One of People Assignment’s many points of difference is our focus on the prevention of misconduct and criminality in the workplace. We offer remote and on-site reviews of all aspects of workplace misconduct including, policies, systems, training programs, and culture. 

Importantly, on each assignment our investigation’s final report provides process, system and practice considerations designed to reduce the recurrence of misconduct and criminality in our client’s workplace.

  • Investigation of all types of workplace misconduct.
  • Workplace misconduct prevention and harm minimisation advice.
  • Complaint triage and complaint management advice.
  • Case management methodologies, systems gap analysis and up-lift.

Indigenous Lens to our Investigations

People Assignment has formed a partnership with a highly regarded Western Australian based, Indigenous Supply Nation accredited company. As part of this arrangement, our Indigenous partner provides cultural advisory services (via People Assignment) to our clients when our investigations relate to Aboriginal people, communities, places, or issues. This additional dimension to our service delivery model is yet another critical point of difference as it ensures our investigative activities and outcomes are genuinely considerate of the specific cultural and other needs of Indigenous people.

Investigator Deployments

WA Licensed Employment Agent (3168)

People Assignment has partnered with Talent International Pty Ltd (Perth Office) which enables us to source additional investigative, intelligence, business analytical, and forensic personnel at short notice. This arrangement enables us to scale our deployment to meet any client’s needs across multiple sites state-wide. 

Additionally, where our clients have a short-mid-term need for increased investigative personnel, we can deploy contract investigators to bolster in-house investigative capacity. Please give us a call to discuss your specific needs.

Human Resource Services

Our human resource services include the provision of job design, classification, and recruitment services, to all levels of government and the private sector. We leverage our extensive network and talent pool, to provision experienced HR specialists, who have a proven record of delivering the results your business needs.

Our focus on precision and quality, in every aspect of our service delivery, coupled with the unrivalled ability to scale to any client’s needs, no matter how large the project, position us as a reliable and trusted partner for WA business.

Specialist HR Deployments

WA Licensed Employment Agent (3168)

People Assignment is a WA Government approved and licenced Employment Agent in Western Australia. We have the capability to source specialist HR personnel such as recruiters, call taking, data entry, IT and other classes of personnel at short notice. This arrangement enables us to provision our clients with additional contract HR capacity, short to long-term, at scale and state-wide. Reach out to us to discuss your specific personnel needs

Testimonials and Case Studies

High Profile Govt. Project, statewide impact

Govt. Agency Situation:

With the imminent release of a ‘high profile, on-line’ service across the state of Western Australia, the need to establish a support centre to assist in managing public enquiries was required by this prominent Government Agency.

With infrastructure and systems in place, an immediate need was identified for a flexible, skilled workforce who met stringent Government criteria. The demand for the service itself was unmeasured and while expectations / research indicated staffing needs would be required; how many staff and for how long remained questions hard for them to answer.

People Assignment Engagement:

With little time and the responsibility of ensuring the delivery of this service was successful to the general public, People Assignment was approached some 3 weeks before the ‘launch of the service’ to assist in overcoming the challenges faced. In consultation with the Government Agency, a ‘persona of the ideal customer support consultant’ was created ensuring appropriate skills, communication style and qualifications/credentials. Once the persona was established, People Assignment immediately identified and mobilised a workforce of 18 consultants who were able to attend training and complete what amounted to a 10-day on-site assignment.


People Assignment was acknowledged for the mobilisation and delivery of a short-term workforce who successfully contributed to the support of the statewide service. The flexibility and confidence provided by People Assignment ensured the Govt Agency was able to manage the initial influx of public enquiries during the initial roll-out before returning to a BAU status.

“Without exception this has been the most professional engagement process I have been involved in. The quality of the people you provided us with was simply outstanding. Thank you very much for your team’s hard work and flexibility – the Department very much appreciates it!”

WA Govt Dept. capability increased

Govt. Agency Situation

The department had an immediate need to significantly increase its recruiting capability and capacity to on-board in excess of 250 new personnel within a short-term period.

People Assignment Engagement:

People Assignment were approached by this WA State Government department to provide specialist HR recruiting personnel. Set against a demanding labour market, People Assignment deployed five specialist recruiting personnel to the department for a seven-month period.


The significant increase in recruiting capability brought economies of scale, slashing the per-head cost of recruiting, enabling the department to focus on its broader objectives. Upon completion of the project People Assignment provided the department with reports outlining system, process, and practice considerations to enhance internal recruiting capability.

“Thanks for your professionalism and flexible service delivery which has enabled us to far exceed our objectives.”  From a State Government Senior Procurement Officer in relation to People Assignments flexibility in a large government procurement process

Personalised care

From the parents of a young man who lost his life in traumatic circumstances and involved interactions with multiple Government Agencies

“We could not have navigated the complexities of this sensitive investigative matter without the support of Stephen Brown at People Assignment. On a score out of ten, we give him a 20! for bringing clarity."

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PO Box 914
Mount Lawley, Western Australia 6929
0417 945 983
[email protected]